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Saptapadi Pune

We created a secure, responsive and fully functional site that showcases the organization's details with membership buying and management system and payment gateway integration. The project included branding too, but we didn't want to change the logo because it was important for them to retain their identity in the market.

Project Brief

The client had very clear requirements for the new website, which included:

Beautiful and Responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes with basic functionality

Secure Membership buying and management system that integrates with a payment gateway

In addition to the aforementioned functionalities, they also wanted a secure and stable environment that was easy to maintain.

Timeline : 1 month


Saptapadi Cultural and Sports Association

Our Approach

We chose to proceed with WordPress keeping in mind the timeline and budget constraints. We didn't want to compromise on security or functionality of the site, so we used only well researched plugins throughout its construction.

The Solution

We were able to deploy a complete new website within just one month—in fact, we were able to do so despite being under budget constraints! The only way our client could have made this happen is by working with us closely throughout the entire process.

Website Screenshots on Laptop

Website Screenshots on Mobile


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“Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.”

- George Lois

2023 Tech More Love.

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